Final Task Storyboard

Panel 1: Drake starts to monologue in a field of grass (medium long shot) Panel 2: Drake starts to think about how his life has changed for the better Panel 3: Drake's phone starts ringing. (Non-diegetic sound - Phone ringing) Panel 4: Drake answers the phone. Close up-shot Panel 5: Drake is confused from the caller. Medium shot Panel 6: Drake learns the news about his sister. Medium Shot Panel 7: Drake thinks to himself about gearing up and starts running (edited) Panel 8: Drake sees his sword (Over the shoulder shot) Panel 9: Drake takes the sword and runs off (Close up shot) Panel 10: Drake approaches the place Joker called him to. Panel 11: Drake looks around for the caller (over the shoulder shot) Panel 12: Joker finally appears surprising Drake Panel 13: Drake and Joker have a staredown (Two shot) Panel 14: the two start talking to each other Panel 15: The two start arguing with each other Panel 16: Drake yells for his sister back (close up) Panel 17: Joker then taunts Drake (close up shot) Panel 18: Ren and Akira appear out of nowhere (three shot) Panel 19: Joker will send Ren and Akira out for Drake Panel 20: Ren and Akira start to walk up to Drake (Two shot) Panel 21: Ren and Akira start to run ready to attack Panel 22: Drake and Akira clash swords Panel 23: Ren will start to attack Drake from the side Panel 24: Drake will parry Akira and block Ren Panel 25: Drake strikes down Ren Panel 26: Akira gets angry at Ren's defeat Panel 27: Akira will rush Drake and get struck down Panel 28: Joker will smirk and call them useless Panel 29: Drake and Joker will start to run towards each other Panel 30: Joker and Drake will clash being the final scene


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