Extra look in Blog

 I mentioned a lot about my project. there was many steps to it. there were many things i covered. there was also a lot of things i did not talk about. i am going to talk about the things that did not make it into the other blogs. i talked about location in a few of my blogs. there were many problems that i did not mention in other blogs wit weather and location. what exactly were the problems. there were three different times were we had to cancel filming that day because of weather. weather is hard to plan for in south Florida because you never really know when it could rain. there was also a problem one time with someone in the group got sick and we had to cancel. there was also the complication of transportation. all of my groupmates have working parents so they could not get to the place. i decided that i would go and pick them up so that we could film. yep, i picked up everyone. we filmed a total of five times. this was because we saw scenes that we could have done better so on two separate occasions we went out to re film. even will complications we still followed through. a lot of challenges came with it but it was fun. i would love to do a project like this again.
